A Full Body Thermography scan is a non-invasive way to visualize “known” and “unknown” inflammation in the body. Thermography (along with past medical history) helps to identify potential disease before a disease diagnosis can be determined.
“The body doesn’t just get into a diseased state in one day. It takes years for disease to change the body’s physiology. A thermography can detect potential disease in the early stages, well before it fully establishes in the body.”
- Dr. Jennifer Dillon Metzler
FDA approved
No Referral Needed
Well Scan shows temperature variances in the body to assess the health of a tissue. In healthy tissue, Well Scan results show consistent temperatures of around 98.6 degrees throughout the body. Certain tissues will normally present warmer conditions like the head, belly button, groin and under folded tissue where heat is trapped. Everyone's scan is a bit different as we all have our own "thermal fingerprint".
For people with symptoms, Well Scans often show temperature variants indicating inflammation or high cellular turnover. Radiologists detect variances in this tissue by comparing it to surrounding tissue and reports this information back to Well Scan. Tissues that are hotter (indicated by whites and red on the scan) indicate high cellular turnover or tissue under repair versus normal functioning tissue (indicated by cooler greens and blues). This can be an acute condition like an injury or post surgery healing or chronic burnden on the immune system like a low grade infection. Some results show the body's inflammation patterns carrying a toxic load on the organs of detoxification like the intestines, liver, lymphatic system and sinus areas.
Click on the areas of the body below to visually see effects of inflammation.